Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stop Clicking...

Every Wednesday I go to St. Leo’s Primary School with the girls to help out. I’ve found a role there which has been a blast for me. I spend the day helping out (sometimes teaching the whole lesson, hahaha) in the Computer Room. The 4th graders that I have for the day are so much fun. They are completely enthralled with the computers. Each group is with us (Ayanda, the “jack of all trades” of Leo’s and me) for one hour. This hour is just enough time to make sure that all the kids have turned on the computers correctly, opened Microsoft Word, find the keys on the keyboard and properly turn the computers off.

They are so excited to learn even the simplest of new tasks on the computers. This week I had them review last week’s lesson which included: shift, enter, backspace, and spacebar. Our review took up much of the time. Ayanda and I then explained how to make font BIGGER and how to change the font COLOR. Once the kids clicked to see what they had just commanded the machine to do, you would have thought they had just won the lottery…the excitement on their faces was so priceless. There were many “oooohhhhs” and “ahhhhhhhs” as font became size 24 or a turquoise blue color.

Classroom management is a whole different ballgame. I can’t even tell you how many times a class I say “stop clicking.” There are not enough computers and the kids are all at completely different levels. Also, my Zulu is non-existent, so it’s an interesting challenge to say the least. I have to say I thoroughly enjoy my time with the kids at St. Leo’s each week.

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